European Translations


This Spring will see a handful of my short works transformed into European languages, so I want to publicly express thanks to the translators.

Piotr Leszczyński has written a number of excellent Polish versions of my short-shorts for the online journal, Minimal Books , over the past few years — and several of his translations have appeared in print this month in the Polish literary magazine, Red.

Jerome Charlet has been busy translating my work into French, and a fine chapbook edition of “Skull Fragments” (the lead story from 100 Jolts)  is scheduled to appear next month as part of the art bref series put out by Les Periseides.  This collector’s item will be bilingual, costing 6 euros, ISBN:  978-2-9155-9662-5  (some insight into the publisher is in French here).  Charlet has also placed a translation at Borderline magazine for publication soon.

These projects excite me very much.  If you want to learn more, I have created a category dedicated to works-in-translation in my online bibliography, and I hope to add more updates, countries and books to it in the near future!